Jurisdiction is an important issue in child custody hearings. Often the parents of the child live in different court jurisdictions, or even different states. The courts must work with the parents to determine which court system will have jurisdiction over the matters that are involved in each case. In one…
Articles Posted in New York City
A Child’s Relationship with Both Parents Important in Custody Issues
Whenever a couple faces a divorce, they must also face custody decisions that involve the children of the marriage. A New York Family Lawyer said the love that a parent has for their child is the greatest love that exists on this planet. To require that the time that they…
The Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) filed an abuse petition
The Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) filed an abuse petition, pursuant to Family Court Act against the respondent mother and the person legally responsible for the subject children, respondent R., with regard to the children of the respondent mother. A New York Family Lawyer said ACS alleged in their petition…
The Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) filed an abuse petition
The Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) filed an abuse petition, pursuant to Family Court Act against the respondent mother and the person legally responsible for the subject children, respondent R., with regard to the children of the respondent mother. A New York Family Lawyer said that ACS alleged in their…
Father Petitions Court to Take Child Out of the Country
When child custody issues involve a parent who is not native to the United States, the court is forced to deal with additional issues that are not common among domestic cases. Many countries do not respect divorce proceeding rulings from outside of their borders. A New York Custody Lawyer said…
Court Considers Special Needs of Infant in Custody Battle
The New York child custody laws are designed to ensure that the rights of the children are protected as related to visitation and custody. In general, a parent is not restricted from visitation with their children as long as they have not harmed the children or have been found to…
Court Discusses Custody Decision
In order for a court to modify any order previously enacted by that court or another, the petitioner/complainant is responsible to demonstrate that there has been a significant change in circumstances that would warrant the court to take action to modify the agreement. A significant change is something more than…
Court Discusses Modification of Visitation Schedule
A married couple who resided in New York filed for a divorce and was granted a decree of divorce in January 18, 1980. The decree or divorce granted the custody of their common child to the wife while giving the husband a visitation schedule. A New York Family Lawyer said…
Does Re-Marriage Justify Change in Custody?
A couple was married in New York sometime on April 7, 1979. They had a daughter who was born on November 28, 1980. A New York Family Lawyer said tht two years after their daughter was born, the woman sought a divorce from her husband. The woman was granted custody…
Court Decides Custody of Mixed Race Child
A Caucasian woman married an African-American man on December 5, 1973. They had a daughter. The woman filed for divorce on the ground that her husband was physically abusing her and that he had extra-marital affairs with other women. A New York Custody Lawyer said she then asked the family…