
Articles Posted in New York City


Court Decides the Legal Liability of Step Parents

Helen Alexander is the petitioner in this case. The respondent is Lyle Alexander. History Helen Alexander married Lyle Alexander on March 17th of 1989. The couple separated in the last quarter of the following year. Helen Alexander and her child from a previous marriage are both social service recipients. According…


What Happened to Joan Kennedy After Ted and Joan Divorced-A NY Family Attorney Will Help You Recover.

Joan Kennedy was married to Senator Ted Kennedy who was the last living brother of the the Kennedy clan. Joan and Ted were married in 1958 but the marriage went south and ended in divorced in 1982. She had several well publicized bouts with addictions but has come out it…


Court Rules on Domestive Violence Case

A father filed two motions with respect to the termination of his parental rights. Among other things, the father argued that relevant provisions of family laws, which sets out the requirements for an unwed father to have veto rights over his child’s adoption, is constitutionally infirm because it denies him…


Court Rules on Complex Order for Protection Case

The parties were married on 1992 and on 2005, the Mother filed for divorce. The couple resolved the issues arising from their marriage and agreed to joint custody of the two subject children, a daughter age 12 and a son age 14. The children would have visitation with each parent…

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