Articles Posted in Queens


Court Awards Custody Father in Light of Neglect Allegations

A New York Family Lawyer said that, order of disposition, Family Court, New York County, entered on or about November 30, 2009, which, upon denial of respondent mother’s application to dismiss the neglect petition pursuant to Family Court Act § 1051(c) and a fact-finding determination that the mother neglected the…


Court Decides Constitutionality of Family Law Statute

A New York Family Lawyer said when defendant was arraigned in this court on August 25, 1998, on a single count of aggravated harassment in the second degree, two separate non-family offense orders of protection were issued pursuant to CPL 530.13. Both were full stay-away orders protecting four named individuals.…


Court Discusses the “Cycle of Violence”

This case presents the Court with a repetitive issue confronting domestic violence parts in the courts. The complaining witness/victim, of domestic violence now wishes to recant their testimony. The recantations are the product of many imperatives, not all of which serve the interests of the victim or justice. A New…


Administration for Child Service Files Petition for Neglect of Six Children

On November 8, 2010, ACS (Administration for Children’s Services) filed petitions against a mother alleging that her six children were neglected children pursuant to Family Court Act. At that time, the youngest child was a new-born and the oldest child, was 16 years old. A New York Family Lawyer said…


Petitioner Claims Respondent Violated Order for Protection

The petitioner spouse filed a supplemental petition alleging that the respondent failed to obey the modified order of protection issued by the court. A New York Family Lawyer said the supplemental petition alleged that the respondent, upon release from incarceration for prior violation of the order of protection, arrived at…


Plaintiff Seeks Divorce on Grounds of Cruel and Inhumane Treatment

On or about 10 June 2003, an action was filed seeking divorce on the ground of cruel and inhuman treatment, and ancillary relief. On 23 December 2003, both parties’ applications for temporary custody were denied and an injunction was issued prohibiting either party from taking the children out of the…

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