
Court Rules Against Gay Divorce in Texas

In what may seem to be a strange twist of legal interpretation, a Texas court of appeals has ruled that gay couples who were legally married in other states, where gay marriage is legal, may not divorce in Texas – a state where gay marriage is not recognized by the law, according to a New York Family Lawyer.
The 5th Texas Court of Appeleas made the ruling, which stated that a Dallas judge did not have jurisdiction to grant a divorce to two men who lived in Dallas, but were married in Massachusetts, said a New York Family Lawyer.
The same judge also made the ruling that Texas could not limit marriage to being only between a man and a woman. The appeals court disagreed, saying that the Texas laws against same-sex marriage do not violate the Constitution.
The Dallas couple, who are only known by aliases in their court filings, were married in 2006 in Massachusetts, but were separated two years later. The attorney for one of the men told a New York Family Lawyer they had not yet decided if they were going to make an appeal to the Texas Supreme Court.
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