
New York Family Law Blog


EV v RV NY Slip Op 05994

E.V. v R.V. NY Slip Op. 05994 August 2, 2017 Decision The plaintiff appeals from an order and decision from the Supreme Court. The order denied the plaintiff’s motion to strike a forensic mental health report, or for leave to cross examine the court appointed forensic expert regarding the mental…


Scheriff v Scheriff

NY Slip Op 05760 July 19, 2017 Decision The defendant appealed two supreme court orders from 7/31/15. One order denied the defendant’s motion which requested a set off against the plaintiff’s share of their home equal to the unpaid amount of her share of the plaintiff’s pension. The second order…


In re: Virginia T.F. a Child under 18 years old, Neglected by v. Brittany O’L-F. Ruperto F., Jr., Respondents.

No. NN-16543/16 March 10, 2017 Facts of the Case On 5/19/2015, the Administration for Children Services “ACS” filed a petition pursuant to Family Court Act 1012 against the respondent mother Brittany O’L-F and respondent father Ruperto F. Jr. regarding the child “Robin” who was born in May of 2015. Allegations…

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