
New York Family Law Blog


Plaintiff Claims There is No Triable Issue of Fact

  The defendant moves for an order pursuant to CPLR 3212 granting summary judgment dismissing the plaintiff’s verified complaint as there exists no triable issue of material fact with respect to the defendant’s liability for the plaintiff’s alleged injuries. The plaintiff cross moves for an order pursuant to CPLR 3025…


Court Looks at Order to Show Cause to Discontinue Medical Treatment

  The petitioner having applied to this Court for an Order directing DH (the “Patient”), a patient at Nassau University Medical Center (the “Medical Center”), to show cause why an Order should not be granted authorizing or discontinuing medical treatment for the Patient as set forth in the petition and…


Petitioner Requests That Court Appointed Attorney Be Relieved of Duties

  The matter currently before the Court is a motion by the petitioner to have the Court appointed attorney for the child relieved of her duties. The petitioner brought the motion pro se. The subject child of the motion, was appointed law guardian for the child and submitted an affirmation…

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