M.D. (hereafter “Daughter”) moves this Court by way of notice of motion for leave to reargue this Court’s decision dated September 16, 2005, which denied her motion to seal her arrest record and also denied her request on her alternative argument to do so in the interests of justice.…
New York Family Law Blog
Court Rules on Case Regarding Child Neglect
In a proceeding pursuant to article 6 of the Family Court Act, to adjudicate SX a permanently neglected child, and to commit him to the custody and guardianship of the Commissioner of the Nassau County Department of Social Services (DSS), the natural mother, MY, appeals from an order of…
Plaintiffs Request Property Assessment
Based on the papers filed by the parties, it is ordered that the applications are decided as follows: Petitioners bring this proceeding (Seq. No. 01), pursuant to Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules, for a judgment vacating one hundred thirty-one (131) decisions made by Small Claims Assessment…
Court Discusses Domestic Violence Charges
This case involves domestic violence and a motion to dismiss the indictment and an order transferring all the proceedings herein from the County Court to the Family Court of Nassau County was raised by the defendant. Defendant is charged with assault, second degree. The particular act involved herein arose…
Court Reviews Condemnation Proceeding
This is a condemnation proceeding in which the Village of Garden City sought to acquire title in fee to certain property within the village for a parking field. The property to be acquired consists of 23 parcels all of which were heretofore zoned by the village for residential purposes.…
Plaintiff Seeks a Divorce on the Grounds of Inhumane Treatment
This action seeking a divorce on the ground of cruel and inhuman treatment, and ancillary relief, was commenced on or about June 10, 2003. By order dated December 23, 2003, both parties’ applications for temporary custody were denied and an injunction was issued prohibiting either party from taking the children…
Petitioner Asserts Right to Counsel via Legal Aid
The basis of this application, made by the Legal Aid Society of Nassau County and the attorney in charge of the Legal Aid Society of Nassau County, is the refusal by the Judge of the District Court of Nassau County, to permit the petitioner to continue to represent defendant…
Petition Brings Case Requesting Relief Pursuant to Real Property Laws
This is a hybrid proceeding and action for damages by the petitioner as general partner of a Family Limited Partnership “the petitioner” for stated relief pursuant to Real Property Tax Law Article 7 and/or a writ of mandamus pursuant to CPLR Article 78 compelling the respondent Nassau County Board…
Court Discusses Child’s Eligibility for State Assistance Programs
Under the Federal public assistance program called Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), family income is considered in determining a child’s eligibility for relief. All of a natural father’s income is typically deemed available to his child, but the situation is more complicated where stepfathers are found. The…
Court Discusses Outcome of Juvenile Hearing
The respondent has moved to vacate this Court’s order dated February 21, 2007 which, upon his consent, extends his placement with the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (“OCFS”) as a juvenile delinquent for twelve months and directs that OCFS continue respondent’s present placement with L…