
New York Family Law Blog


Court Decides to Appoint Natural Mother as Guardian to Start Obtaining Legal Residency for Kids

  In this appeal, we conclude that the subject children, facing the possibility of being separated from their only parent and returned to their native country where gang members have threatened their lives, may seek to have their natural mother appointed as their guardian as a first step toward obtaining…


Court Listens to Case Dealing with Judicial Economy

  This personal injury action, stemming from a multi-vehicle collision, raises interesting issues regarding consolidation, venue, comity, judicial economy, the avoidance of forum shopping, and a seeming conflict between the “first-in-time rule” and the convenience of material witnesses where actions have been filed in two or more counties concerning the…


Court Discusses Family Succession Rights

  The petitioner commenced this proceeding pursuant to Article 78 of the CPLR to review a determination of the respondent, City of New York, Department of Housing Preservation and Development (hereafter referred to as “HPD”), which purported to deny Petitioner’s appeal for family succession rights pursuant to 28 RCNY§3-02(p) concerning…


Petitioners Seek to Renew a Motion to Dismiss

  Upon the foregoing papers, petitioners individually, as preliminary executor of the estate of the decedent and as the vested beneficial owner of shares of the respondent 4C Foods Corp. held by certain trusts, moves for an order: (1) pursuant to CPLR 2221 granting leave to renew respondent’s motion to…


Court Considers Summary Judgment Where There is No Issue of Material Fact

  This motion arises out of an underlying personal injury action, filed in this Court in June 2009, wherein the plaintiff alleged violations under Labor Law §§240 and 241. Plaintiff fell from a ladder while performing construction work on the improved real property owned by defendants. Plaintiff is alleging that…

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