
New York Family Law Blog


Court Discusses Handling of Deposition in Felony Delinquency Proceeding

  This opinion follows the oral decision and order of the Court rendered on the record. This designated felony delinquency proceeding was commenced on January 4, 1991 by the District Attorney’s Office pursuant to Article 3 of the Family Court Act (“FCA”), charging Respondent with committing acts, which if committed…


Court Considers Disposition of Child in Light of Being Born Addicted to Drugs

  The subject child was born on February 10, 2004 with a positive toxicology for opiates. This father is listed on her birth certificate. The subject child remained in the hospital for over a month due to withdrawal symptoms. When she was released from the hospital on March 17, 2004,…


Court Decides Grandparent Custody Case

  The subject children lived with the petitioner, their maternal grandmother, intermittently for the first 2 1/4 years and 1 1/4 years of their lives, respectively. After the Administration for Children’s Services filed a petition in a separate matter alleging neglect against the children’s mother, the children were placed with…


Court Decides Child Custody in Light of Mentally Ill Respondent

A New York Family Lawyer said that on 12 October 2001, a petition was filed against the respondent mother. As alleged in the petition, the respondent mother neglected her seven-year-old child, T, by failing to provide the child with appropriate medical attention to treat her ADHD, by refusing to accept…


Father Moves for Custody in Light of Mentally Ill Mother

A New York Family Lawyer said this is an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court entered 28 April 2009 in Ulster County, which, among other things, awarded plaintiff custody of the parties’ child. The father, plaintiff and the mother, defendant were married in 2004 and are the parents…

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