
New York Family Law Blog


Court Decides Juvenile Delinquency Proceeding

New York Family Lawyer said in this juvenile delinquency proceeding, a boy moves to preclude the presentment agency from offering identification evidence at the fact-finding hearing on the ground that it failed to provide timely and adequate notice of its intention to do so as required. A boy was charged…


Family Court Reviews Jurisdiction Issue

  A New York Family Lawyer said that before the Court in this child support proceeding is Respondent’s motion to dismiss the petition, pursuant to Rule 3211(a)(5) of the C.P.L.R., on the ground of res judicata in that Petitioner’s application for the relief she seeks herein was previously denied by…


Court Discusses Use of Forensic Evidence in Custody Dispute

In this Custody action, the issue involved is of import not only because it appears to lack any precedent, but even more so, because it goes to the very heart of the present and future effectiveness of the forensic and probation referral procedure utilized by the Nassau County Supreme Court…


Court Decides Custody Battle

A New York Family Lawyer said in the instant case, the mother and the father both filed petitions in the Nassau County Family Court seeking child custody. The father withdrew his petition and the court granted the mother’s petition without conducting an evidentiary hearing. The father filed a petition in…

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