
New York Family Law Blog


Guardians Sue for Termination of Parental Rights

A New York Family Lawyer said that a father was in prison at the time of his child’s birth, and was ultimately sentenced to a determinate ten years of imprisonment upon his conviction for attempted robbery. While the man was in prison, he filed a petition seeking visitation with his…


Court Hears Custody Case File by Sheriffs

This is a Custody action was commenced originally Sheriffs, all of whom are responsible for the operation of jails and local correctional facilities within their respective counties. Six additional Sheriffs were later joined as petitioners. A New York Family Lawyer said that the genesis of the dispute is the recognized…


Court Decides Custody Battle When Mother Remarries

A New York Family Lawyer said the parties, in this matter, shared custody of their children. Physical custody was awarded to the mother, subject to the father’s right to visitation as set forth in their separation agreement which was incorporated but did not merge with the judgment of their divorce.…


ACS Files Suit Against Mother AllegingEducational and Medical Neglect

A New York Family Lawyer said that, ACS filed a petition against respondent mother alleging educational and medical neglect as well as a failure to comply with April 2004 and August 2004 referrals to the Family Preservation Program. Specifically, the petition alleged that from July 2004 until the filing of…


Court Decides if Summary Judgment Should Be Granted

A New York Family Lawyer said that, in May 2004, plaintiff’s decedent was diagnosed with liver cancer, determined later to have originated in her colon. Approximately 14 months earlier, on March 18, 2003, medical records show she had complained of rectal bleeding to her primary doctor, defendant. The same records…


Issue in this Case Deals with whether Petitioner is Entitled to Status of Permanent Family Member

A New York Family Lawyer said that, petitioner brings this Article 78 proceeding against respondents in his capacity as Commissioner of the New York City Housing Authority, and the New York City Housing Authority (“NYCHA”), seeking a court order reversing and annulling NYCHA’s termination of her mother’s Section 8 voucher…


Petitioner Deals With Homelessness of Her and Two Granddaughters

A New York Family Lawyer sais this case reveals the troubling state of public housing policy in the City of New York and the lack of available counsel for low-income tenants seeking to avoid homelessness. A Bronx Family Lawyer said that, petitioner commenced this Article 78 proceeding challenging the denial…


Court Discusses Family Member Grievance Hearing

A New York Family Lawyer said that, pro se petitioner brings this Article 78 proceeding and seeks a judgment reversing respondent New York City Housing Authority’s (“respondent” or “Housing Authority”) denial of her application to open her default for failing to appear at her remaining family-member grievance hearing. Petitioner claims…


Court Decides Case Involving Jurisdiction Issue

A New York Family Lawyer said that, defendant, a fugitive for nearly twenty years after pleading guilty to attempted criminal sale of a controlled substance in the third degree in 1991, and moves to either vacate that plea, or have the Court dismiss the case outright. Defendant is not a…


Court Decides Whether to Vacate Child Support Judgment

A New York Family Lawyer said that, this proceeding was commenced by Petitioner, pro se, by Order to Show Cause dated January 29, 2009, pursuant to Civil Practice Law and Rules (“CPLR”) Article 78 to vacate a Child Support Judgment of Arrears issued in favor of respondent, Office of Temporary…

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