
Sandra Bullock Arrives on Top After Nasty Divorce

No doubt, it takes a great deal of faith, confidence and talent to achieve the ranks of super stardom that the beautiful Sandra Bullock has attained. This American beauty hit the big screen in the nineties with her exciting portrayals of characters that were at once beautiful and yet keenly dangerous. Movies like “Speed” and “Miss Congeniality” earned her a place in our hearts, said one Manhattab Family Lawyer. We just cannot seem to let go.

Bullock has won the Golden Globe Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award and an Academy Award, all in the year 2009. Talent and effort does not go unrewarded, reports the New York Family Lawyer, but it does come with a price. In this case her fame and perseverance cost her the marriage that she had once cherished. According to reports, Bullock has filed for divorce from her husband of seven years, Jesse James, a motorcycle enthusiast and television show host.

Sources say that James repeatedly cheated on Bullock and their relationship had suffered as a result of her very busy career. According to the New York Family Lawyer, it is always better to resolve relationship and career issues than it is to ignore them. Casting a blind eye to our troubles is one of the easiest ways to end up in divorce court over time. For superstar Sandra Bullock, life will go on, and she is due to debut in her first major motion picture since her divorce. The film is called “Gravity” and stars George Clooney. Bullock and Clooney make a great on screen duo that will thrill audiences across the world. Bullock has proven to be masterful at creating excitement, drama and humor, both on screen and off and that is why we love her.

Are you questioning your marital status? Are you thinking about filing for divorce? If so, contact a New York Family Attorney today for answers to the questions that you will undoubtedly have. Divorce does not have to be damaging, and a NYC Family Attorney can bring the process to a smooth conclusion. Call today.

The firm of Stephen Bilkis & Associates with convenient locations thorughout the Metropolitan Area, including servicing Riverdale, N.Y., can be of invaluable assistance to you if you find yourself a party to a case. Facing the Court without professional representation could lead to disastrous results.

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