
School Board Shootings Blur Lines of Safety and Reality

A recent shooting at a Florida school board meeting that left the suspect dead and one person injured had an eerie quality to it, a blurring of the lines of reality, according to one NYC Family Lawyer. The suspect spray painted a symbol that was used in a movie V for Vendetta about a masked, anarchistic revolutionary with a hefty respect for Guy Fawkes. The fact that he brought the drama off the screen and into a school board meeting is what seems to haunt the survivors of the incident.

The New York Family Lawyer reports that witnesses gave testament to the look of distance in the eyes of the troubled man who stood before them and threatened them that day in the board room. It was said repeatedly that he seemed completely lost in thought. Spirit and tenacity shined in one very brave woman, who sneaked up behind the gunman and began hitting him with the only thing that she had, which was her purse. Annoyed but not deterred, the gunman grabbed her and pushed her away.

But that momentary distraction was all it took for a brief amount of hesitancy and chaos to begin to ripple through the mind of the suspect, the beginning of doubt. His attempt to shoot to kill miraculously missed the mark. These people he was attempting to bring the big screen to life on were not ready to be extras, said the New York Family Lawyer who had information on the case. In the end, the gunman shot himself and no one else died, but would the situation have been averted if the school board meetings had better security outside of the meeting rooms?

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