
What Happened to Joan Kennedy After Ted and Joan Divorced-A NY Family Attorney Will Help You Recover.

Joan Kennedy was married to Senator Ted Kennedy who was the last living brother of the the Kennedy clan. Joan and Ted were married in 1958 but the marriage went south and ended in divorced in 1982. She had several well publicized bouts with addictions but has come out it well. She has been working hard in many charity areas for many years.

If you or friends or relatives are mixed up in divorce or separation proceedings, it is a necessity to obtain the advice of a New York Custody Lawyer. Issues like custody and visitation will be in contention and a well informed and experienced attorney will give you a very good likelihood of reaching a fair and reasonable answer to your family troubles. If there are children involved and there are complaints of child abuse and neglect, an order of protection may be issued by the court.

The firm of Stephen Bilkis & Associates with convenient locations thorughout the Metropolitan Area, can be of invaluable assistance to you if you find yourself a party to a case. Facing the Court without professional representation could lead to disastrous results.

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