Articles Posted in Custody

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In this case, the petitioner is Petra A. Mac Fadden, and the respondent is Peter R. Martini.

Case Details

The petitioner would like a modification to an original divorce judgment. The original judgment required that $100 in child support was paid every month by the respondent to support the couple’s daughter up until her eighteenth birthday.

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Helen Alexander is the petitioner in this case. The respondent is Lyle Alexander.


Helen Alexander married Lyle Alexander on March 17th of 1989. The couple separated in the last quarter of the following year. Helen Alexander and her child from a previous marriage are both social service recipients.

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The problem of underage drinking is a significant one in our country, tells a New York Criminal Lawyer. More and more teens are drinking at a younger age than ever before, despite aggressive campaigns to attempt to deter such risky behavior. As a result, families are being destroyed, lives are being lost and unhealthy habits are being facilitated that could affect these young peoples lives in more ways than one. A report last week that teens are drinking beginning as young as age 13. By the time they are 16, the majority of young people have tried alcohol, and some have not only tried it, but have made it their primary source of entertainment and socializing. Of course not only does this sad fact affect the health and emotional stability of these children, but it has other downfalls. Among them, the devastation to the family unit that is caused by the change in the young persons behavior once they have picked up the habit of drinking alcohol. 

When these teens get behind the wheel of a vehicle, it significantly increases the likelihood that they will have an accident. Lack of driving experience combined with the altered perceptions associated with drinking are a recipe for disaster, with the best case scenario being minor property damage caused in a fender bender. The worst case scenario, however, is much more grim. 

Alcohol related deaths are at an all time high.

A Bronx Family Lawyer said that alcohol is a drug that does not discriminate. Abusing this substance destroys lives, not limited to the person doing the drinking. When alcohol related accidents happen, people die. Families are torn apart. And for what? For a joyride at midnight? For a race to make it home by curfew? Parents need to be watchful of their children’s behavior. Know the signs of drinking. Talk to your teens about drinking. Opening the lines of communication and setting a good example can go a long way towards keeping your family from experiencing tragedy.

When the family unit changes due to divorce or custody issues, confusion and sadness can result. Call Stephen Bilkis today for a consultation.

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Although Steven Spielberg did not become a pauper overnight, he took a big hit financially when he was divorced from Amy Irving. It cost him $100 million. This was about half of what he was worth at the time. Irving, of course, had a lawyer who was very competent like a good New York Custody Lawyer.

Spielberg and Irving met when she was auditioned for the hit movie Close Encounters. They were married for four years before they separated and divorced.

A skilled attorney can be of great help to you if you’re facing a divorce. A knowledgeable lawyer can aid you with decisions and outcomes involving child custody and visitation as well as the amount of support that you will be paying of receiving. No need for a protection order if there is no child abuse or child neglect.

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Pam Shriver of tennis fame and George Lazenby of James Bond fame have called it a day. Pam filed for divorce in LA and the action will most likely end a six year marriage which produced three children.

Shriver who is now 46, wants custody of the children, with supervised visits for her ex husband. The issue of child support will certainly come up during the proceedings. In Nassau County it is of great importance to have a New York Custody Lawyer representing you in these matters.

If any person is involved in a divorce in Nassau it is essential to have a qualified lawyer to represent you. Visitation, joint custody and full custody could be involved. A competent, well informed attorney gives you the best opportunity of reaching a reasonable solution to your problems. An order of protection is not needed if the children have not been abused.

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The crooner married Marcia Murphey, who was working as a television production assistant, in 1969. He soon released his first gold record, Touching You, Touching Me and was on his way to stardom.

By the late ’70s, Diamond was one of the most successful singer-songwriters in showbiz, he grossed upward of $12 million annually. After 25 years of marriage, Murphey filed for divorce in 1994, citing irreconcilable differences.

In the event you or any other person decide to separate from your partner it is very important to have a to represent you. Custody and visitation rights could be involved. A coNew York Custody Lawyer mpetent New York Family Lawyer will afford you the best chance of reaching an acceptable answer to your problems. an order of protection is only needed If there child abuse or neglect are issues.

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It has been confirmed that Megan Fox and actor Brian Austin Green have finally tied the knot. Fox and Green were known for their on again, off again relationship that led to two engagements. The couple met on the set of “Hope & Faith” in 2004. Even though there is a 12 year age difference between the two Fox feels that dating someone in their 20’s is a waste of time. She feels that she connects with someone older whom she can have conversations with. The couples instability shows that a prenuptial agreement may be an option that they need to explore.

A New York Custody Lawyer points out that due to the amount of assets each of the stars have it would be best if a prenuptial agreement was taken into consideration. One never knows what the outcome of a marriage may be therefore, its best to take the necessary precautions beforehand.

If you have a family law issue, speak to Stephen Bilkis and Associates for advice and a free consultation today.

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Comic actor Robin Williams and his wife of nearly 19 years are splitting up.

Marsha Garces Williams has filed for divorce in a San Francisco court. She cited irreconcilable differences.

Marsha married Robin after his divorce from his first wife, Valerie. Marsha was their nanny and looked after the couple’s son, Zachary.

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Sidney, two-year-old part golden retriever and part chow, was the center of attention in Manhattan Supreme Court. It was a short trip from the North Shore Animal League in Port Washington, L.I. where Levine found and adopted him.

Sidney’s owner, Daniel Levine, is an actor who had to go on national tour of the Broadway show, “Chicago.” He was thrilled when his neighbor, Michaela Hewett, volunteered to care for Sidney while he was on the road.

Levine’s New York Custody Lawyer, said: “There has never been any question about who owned the dog. If he didn’t have to go on tour, he would have taken Sidney with him.”

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Joan Kennedy was married to Senator Ted Kennedy who was the last living brother of the the Kennedy clan. Joan and Ted were married in 1958 but the marriage went south and ended in divorced in 1982. She had several well publicized bouts with addictions but has come out it well. She has been working hard in many charity areas for many years.

If you or friends or relatives are mixed up in divorce or separation proceedings, it is a necessity to obtain the advice of a New York Custody Lawyer. Issues like custody and visitation will be in contention and a well informed and experienced attorney will give you a very good likelihood of reaching a fair and reasonable answer to your family troubles. If there are children involved and there are complaints of child abuse and neglect, an order of protection may be issued by the court.

The firm of Stephen Bilkis & Associates with convenient locations thorughout the Metropolitan Area, can be of invaluable assistance to you if you find yourself a party to a case. Facing the Court without professional representation could lead to disastrous results.

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