Articles Posted in Custody

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A man who was wrongly accused of rape in 2008 is finally seeing justice being served. The initial case said the man raped his autistic daughter, who also happens to be mute and low-functioning, and the mother did nothing. The case was brought out when a teacher aide helped the girl type, even though she cannot speak or function above a two-year old level, said a New York Family Lawyer.

There was a physical examination, which showed there was no evidence of abuse. However, the man sat in jail for 80 days and his wife, the mother of the child, was also facing charges of abuse from the statement the teacher aide typed, according to a New York Custody Lawyer. The teacher aide has not faced any charges and was not named in the lawsuit against the township that handled the arrest. More lawsuits may be pending in the civil courts.

The case was dropped in March of 2008 because there was a lack of any evidence to prosecute the father or the mother involved. They had to go through a process and have their children removed from Foster Care. They also had lawyer expenses and court costs to cover. The $1.8 million dollar settlement will cover some of those expenses. Even though the family won the case, the township police department where they live maintains they did nothing wrong. They were simply following procedure from the report of an abused child.

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Diana Richie is trying to break the Lionel Richie ‘piggy bank.” After finalizing a divorce, she is now asking for substantial payments in alimony and child support. Explaining that they lived very high on the hog, she claims it will be difficult to get by on anything less than $300,000 a month, according to a New York Family Lawyer.

The couple has been married for over ten years and have two kids. A Beverly Hills mansion, with its 30 rooms is their humble abode.

They have many employees and huge expenses to keep up with claims Diana. The mansion is on several acres and needs to be attended to all the time. She also said that there are monthly expenses that Lionel, 54, needs to cover. These include clothing, shoes, massages and vitamins.

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Sandra Bullock has recently adopted a 3 ½ month old boy from New Orleans. His first name is Louis; reports are unclear if Bullock will give the child her last name. Bullock, who is famous for movies such as “Speed”, “The Blind Side” and “Miss Congeniality”, has had the child for the last few months. She managed to keep the adoption a secret from the media. Bullock filed for a divorce from Jesse James in Texas, and cited the reason is a conflict of personalities.

Since the announcement of her divorce to James, she has changed the adoption paperwork to a “single parent adoption.” James has agreed to let Bullock adopt Louis on her own so that Bullock will have sole custody.

Whether you are involved in a divorce, adoption or custody batte, it is important to speak to qualified New York Custody Lawyer at your first opportunity. It is important to ensure that your rights are protected, as well of those of your children. Speak to Stephen Bilkis and Associates for legal guidance and a free consultation. We have offices to serve you throughout the New York City area, including office locations in Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island. We also have office locations in both Nassau County and Suffolk County on Long Island, as well as Westchester County. Contact us and we will provide you with answers, and a free consultation. Make your appointment today at 1-800-NY-NY-LAW.

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Many people tend to overlook the likelihood of being hit with certain taxes because they aren’t considered “rich.” But according to a New York Family Lawyer, many upper middle-class families could be hit with an unplanned tax rate as high as 35%.

Currently the law provides an exemption for estate taxes of up to $5 million for those who die in 2011 and 2012. What many families are unaware of is that this amount can easily be exceeded when you take life insurance coverage, a valuable home, healthy retirement balances and other assets into account.

“Don’t forget to count any private business ownership interests such as shares in a family corporation or partnership,” explained a New York Custody Lawyer.

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Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents arrested a man, his wife, and their daughter, under suspicion of visa fraud, sources have confirmed to a New York Family Lawyer.

ICE officials suspect the Yorba Linda, CA, family of arranging fraudulent marriages, filing fraudulent marriage petitions, and filing fraudulent work visa petitions.

The investigation that began in 2009 as a result of officers of the Fraud Detection and National Security Division of USCIS began noticing similarities between more than 20 visa petitions they traced back to the company the family ran. Many of the documents that were used contained the same marriage and divorce certificates, witnesses, and even the same spouses.

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The Missouri Supreme Court granted a Guatemalan immigrant a retrial in a lower court over a child custody case. They ruled that the state did not follow law when she was caught in an immigration sweep, according to a New York Family Lawyer.

The court stated that the state terminated her parental rights prematurely, which allowed her son to be adopted by another family. Even thought the court sided with the immigrant, she was not reunited with her son. She will have another hearing before a lower court to determine whether her parental rights should be terminated, a New York Custody Lawyer declared.

The woman was detained when she was working illegally in a poultry processing plant. Instead of allow her to arrange for her 6-month-old son, her custody was terminated and her son was adopted. Her son is now 4 years old and has been with his adoptive parents for over two years now.

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Parents who separate must continue financially supporting their children even after their marriages have already been dissolved. However, according to our New York Family Lawyer, it is natural for parties under cases like these to be full of bitterness and resentment directed towards each of the parties. Usually, a custodial parent is appointed to determine the children’s residence as well as for tax purposes. Some custodial parents refuse visitation rights from non-custodial parents, who in turn, refuse to pay for child support. When this happens, the children’s welfare is put on the back seat. This is one of the drawbacks of separation. In this case that we will talk about, the Mother was awarded custodial rights and was receiving benefits from public assistance. Naturally, the Department of HRS will seek he father for child support who was allegedly in arrears for more than $980. Therefore, a motion was sought to hold the father in contempt for refusal to pay child support.

According to a New York Criminal Lawyer, the HRS found out that the father was financially able to pay for the child support. During the time of the hearing, the Father defended himself by stating that the reason he did not pay for child support is because of the Mother’s refusal to allow him to see his child. And because of that, the court rules on the Father’s favor and concluded that the Father was not found to be acting in contempt and that he is not liable to pay for child support for an indefinite period. This made the HRS appeal the reversal of the trial court’s decision. In addition to the Father’s defense, the trial court also found out that neither and order of visitation nor was a request for one made by the Father. Our Nassau County Family Lawyer clarified that if the Father wanted to visit the children, all he had to do was ask the court to permit him to visit and if he was able to secure one, and the Mother refused the visit, the Mother will be held in contempt.

Since the Father did not do anything to appeal the court or have the Mother be held in contempt, he unknowingly waived his visitation rights. The trial court was not able to modify the child support terms because no proper proceedings were invoked to be able to settle the issue. To modify the child support, the parties could have agreed for new terms and the need for the modification must be thoroughly explained and justified. How the new terms will be able to support the child must also be discussed and conferred with by the parties. If and when they cannot reach for a settlement, then they may ask the Court to modify the child support terms. Again, the new terms must be justified and explained and that they must be granted on the basis of a change in one of the parent’s circumstances such as loss of a job, disability, inability to pay, etc. However, in this case, none of these proceedings happened. Thus, the Father was found to be in contempt for refusing to pay for the child support and using the lack of visitation as a justification for doing so. The trial was then recommended to be remanded or sent back to a lower court for further trial and action. Moreover, it was suggested that the Father’s duty to pay for child support must be enforced according to the law.

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A divorce settlement that was hammered out previous to Bernie Madoff getting arrested and convicted might get a man some money back, says a New York Family Lawyer. The couple had several million dollars in an account – or so they thought – with Bernie Madoff’s investment firm. The account was then split and the man and wife went their separate ways. That is, until the man found out there were fewer millions in the account than what he was led to believe.

The case has gone through many different appeals, with judges not being able to reach a unanimous decision. This time, the case was heard by the New York State Appeals court and there was a 3-2 vote for the case to be re-heard. The man is dancing in the street; however the ex-wife is not as thrilled.

The account was said to have $5.4 million dollars sitting in it, which was then split in half between the two in 2006. Once Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme came to light, the man claimed that it was an accounting error from when they made the split and she should have to pony back some of the money he gave her. Since the money didn’t exist, he should not have to give her half of it. The judges are torn between the reality of the money being there and determining when, exactly, the mistake was made. The case will be presented to the judges in the coming months.

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Many people tend to overlook the likelihood of being hit with a large estate tax because they aren’t considered “wealthy.” But according to a New York Family Lawyer, many upper middle-class citizens could be hit with a tax rate as high as 35%.

Under the current law, there is an exemption for estate tax of up to $5 million for those who die in 2011 and 2012. What is news to many is that this amount can easily be exceeded when you take life insurance coverage, a valuable home, healthy retirement balances and other assets into account.

“Don’t forget to count any private business ownership interests such as shares in a family corporation or partnership,” explained a New York Custody Lawyer.

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Of the American teens between the ages of 12 and 14 who admit to drinking alcohol, 30% claim the alcohol came from their parents or other adults, said a New York Family Lawyer. He added that the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in a survey taken by the National Household Surveys on Drug Use and Health from 2006 to 2009 discovered these findings.

The administration’s study also revealed that 709,000 American 12-to-14-year-olds have had at least one alcoholic drink in the last 30 days, which is more than 5% of that age’s population.

“People who begin drinking alcohol before the age of 15 are six times more likely than those who start at age 21 and older to develop alcohol problems. Parents and other adults need to be aware that providing alcohol to children can expose them to an increased risk for alcohol abuse and set them on a path with increased potential for addiction.” An official from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration said.

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