The data is in for the 2008 year regarding abortions, said a New York Family Lawyer. If you are a pro-life believer, the news is good for you. If you are pro-choice, you might wonder if the data is good news or bad, since it could mean two different things. But no matter which way the data is interpreted, there was not a significant increase in the amount of abortions performed in the US from 2005 – 2008.
There were 1.21 million abortions in the year 2008. That averaged out to 19.6 per 1,000 women. During the year 2005, the other year when data was gathered, the rate was 19.4. Those numbers are down significantly from the peak in the year 1981 when the average was 29.3 abortions per 1,000 women. However, those numbers were surgical abortions. Nowadays, there are also medical abortions available by drugs that induce it.
A New York Custody Lawyer said that pro-choice people are saying the numbers are good in the fact that there are less teen pregnancies where women are faced with the abortion choice. Pro-life people claim that more people are choosing life, whether they go with adoption after the birth or keep the baby, alleges a New York Family Lawyer. Both groups say that women are being educated more and studying their options before they make any type of choice regarding an abortion. Neither side really claims a victory in the number, nor do they claim a loss.
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