Articles Posted in Bronx

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Actually, I think this should be something like common sense. Saying the unexpected or the controversial has a price. Losing your job is only one part of the potential price you pay for non-conformity. You may keep your job but be given the silent treatment by colleagues; many would find loss of bonhomie nearly as frightening as loss of a paycheck. Exercise of free speech can certainly damage family relations; one theory of the Ronald Reagan-Jane Wyman divorce is that it came because Reagan was willing to testify before Congress on communist influence in Hollywood. Many might consider a divorce more drastic than losing a job.

If you are a party in a divorce in Brooklyn or the Bronx, it is crucial to have a N.Y. Family Lawyer representing you. The custody of your children either full or joint and visitation privileges could be at stake. A capable New York Family Lawyer will be able to get results that you can live with. Child abuse and neglect may cause the court to issue an order of protection.

Simply guaranteeing employment will not foster intellectual independence. If you want to go that route, you’ll have to guarantee that every tenured professor gets to keep his or her friends and stay married as well.

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Technology and gaming has come a long way in the last few years. It is ironic that people will spend real world money to acquire virtual world goods, as in things that do not really exist. People who take their gaming life seriously place an extreme amount of value on virtual acquisitions, even though realistically they have no monetary value, reports a New York Family Lawyer. 

Now the two worlds have collided, as a married couple who is seeking divorce have begun arguing over, in all seriousness, virtual assets, such as points, levels achieved in the various games that they play online, keys to virtual castles and perhaps even virtual plants, tells the New York Family Lawyer. While it may seem ridiculous to haggle over who gets the virtual dog, apparently such arguments are necessary when two gaming geeks go at it. 

Reports by the New York Family Lawyer follow the case of this couple who actually took the argument to court. When the couple married, all of the virtual accounts for the games that they played together were put into the husband’s name. The couple must have amassed a veritable illusory fortune in gold nuggets and healing crystals; enough that the woman was not about to start over in her quests and begin at point zero once the marriage had been dissolved. The judge ruled in favor of the husband, and the wife, who in all honesty was going after an intangible nothing to begin with, will get exactly that. It makes the case for keeping ones gaming accounts separate in instances where such a dispute could become an issue in the future. 

Division of assets after a divorce can be a tedious process.

A New York Family Attorney can assist in the amicable and fair distribution of assets once a marriage has been dissolved. Call a reputable New York Family Attorney today if separation or divorce is becoming a factor in your marriage.

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Paul McCartney wanted to end his marriage to Heather Mills as fast as possible but it just wasn’t meant to be.

Heather Mills has chosen to file for divorce in both England and America. Unfortunately for Paul this probably entails a long and nasty fight which he was trying to avoid.

McCartney’s split up with Mills will ruin his usually care free life of music and royalties. She on the other hand seems to be enjoying all of this and looking forward to an increase in her bank account.

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Michelle McGee, the former mistress of Jesse James, attempted to defend recent photographs taken of her in Nazi regalia. She appeared on ETalk and was interviewed by Elaine Lui when she stated that she did not feel wearing the Nazi regalia was racist, according to New York Family Lawyers. However, she did admit that the costume could be considered a form of Anti-Semitism ìif that was the intention of putting the costume onî. McGee disagreed with interviewer Lui when it was pointed out that Anti-Semitism itself may be considered racist stating, ìI donít see it that wayî.

McGee also commented on Jesse Jamesí wife, Sandra Bullock, during her television interview. Bullock has recently filed for divorce after her husbandís infidelity became public. McGee stated that Sandra should be thankfulî for her exposing the infidelity that occurred between herself and Jesse James. Bullock found out about the affair when Michelle went public with the details.

McGee was in Toronto to perform work for a commercial when she appeared on the Toronto television show, ETalk to be interviewed. The commercial is for an online dating company geared towards adults that are already involved in a relationship.

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A former nanny for Rob Lowe and his wife has asked for 1.5 million from the actor so, he has decided to go back at her.

Jessica Gibson, who was in the employ of the Lowes for almost seven years, charged that Rob exposed himself to her and then acted out sex movements and touched the employee.

Gibson says that Lowe did these kinds of things many times over the years that she worked for him and Sheryl. He grabbed her and groped her claims the suit which she is bringing. It’s not known what involvement Lowe’s wife had in any of these supposed episodes.

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