The appellant in this case has filed an appeal for final paternity judgment. The court was tasked to determine whether the trial court was mistaking in ordering retroactive child support to the child from beginning on the day he was born. The appellant has cited the statute of limitations to prevent retroactive support. A New York Family Lawyer said that the appellant also indicated in his motion that the retroactive support should not be ordered in this case since the actual financial support was given by the other parties. The appellant also contended that the mother of the child has provided evidence as to the amount of support or has made any clear specifications about the child’s needs. Upon review of the facts of the marital agreement and judgment of the trial court, the appeals court has affirmed the decisions. The court has also declared the retroactive support as rightful. The motion of the appellant was denied.
The appellant and the mother of the child had engaged in sexual relations when they were still dating. The mother of the child was only 19 when she found out that she was pregnant. The mother informed the appellant that she was pregnant and asked if would like to see his child after he pays financial support. The appellant told the mother that she would not want the appellant around the child.
When the child was born sometime later, the mother consulted a legal counsel and proceeded to contact the appellant and the father. A New York Criminl Lawyer said that the mother wanted the appellant to recognize the child as his own and pay for her maternity expenses, insurance and financial support. The mother also demanded that the father pay for her legal fees. The appellant also hired a lawyer and filed a motion denying the child was his own.