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No doubt, it takes a great deal of faith, confidence and talent to achieve the ranks of super stardom that the beautiful Sandra Bullock has attained. This American beauty hit the big screen in the nineties with her exciting portrayals of characters that were at once beautiful and yet keenly dangerous. Movies like “Speed” and “Miss Congeniality” earned her a place in our hearts, said one Manhattab Family Lawyer. We just cannot seem to let go.

Bullock has won the Golden Globe Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award and an Academy Award, all in the year 2009. Talent and effort does not go unrewarded, reports the New York Family Lawyer, but it does come with a price. In this case her fame and perseverance cost her the marriage that she had once cherished. According to reports, Bullock has filed for divorce from her husband of seven years, Jesse James, a motorcycle enthusiast and television show host.

Sources say that James repeatedly cheated on Bullock and their relationship had suffered as a result of her very busy career. According to the New York Family Lawyer, it is always better to resolve relationship and career issues than it is to ignore them. Casting a blind eye to our troubles is one of the easiest ways to end up in divorce court over time. For superstar Sandra Bullock, life will go on, and she is due to debut in her first major motion picture since her divorce. The film is called “Gravity” and stars George Clooney. Bullock and Clooney make a great on screen duo that will thrill audiences across the world. Bullock has proven to be masterful at creating excitement, drama and humor, both on screen and off and that is why we love her.

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While it is agreed that high school students need to be educated as to the dangers of unprotected sex, for the last twenty years or so the schools have been using the risk of disease and pregnancy as the defining scare tactic to stop young people from having sex, and for the most part, it hasn’t really been working, according to reports by a New York Family Attorney.

Despite the fact that we continue to pump kids full of information and fear in regards to the risk of unplanned sex and irresponsible behavior, the teen birth rate is still 41.5 out of every 1000 births, far higher than other developed nations, reports the New York Family Lawyer. Instead of using disease and pregnancy as the fear factor, however, many schools across the country are adopting curriculum programs that give their high school students another type of reality check, and this one seems to be catching the emotions and the understanding of the young people whom it addresses.

The programs consist mainly of real, financially bound, teen parents who come in and tell their stories and their struggles to the class, according to the New York Family Lawyer. Young people don’t realize that having a child is so much more expensive, emotionally, financially. We have one shot to make it as a parent in this world and when we come at it completely blindsided and unprepared, it is like an avalanche whose effects ripple out farther than we would assume.

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A recent shooting at a Florida school board meeting that left the suspect dead and one person injured had an eerie quality to it, a blurring of the lines of reality, according to one NYC Family Lawyer. The suspect spray painted a symbol that was used in a movie V for Vendetta about a masked, anarchistic revolutionary with a hefty respect for Guy Fawkes. The fact that he brought the drama off the screen and into a school board meeting is what seems to haunt the survivors of the incident.

The New York Family Lawyer reports that witnesses gave testament to the look of distance in the eyes of the troubled man who stood before them and threatened them that day in the board room. It was said repeatedly that he seemed completely lost in thought. Spirit and tenacity shined in one very brave woman, who sneaked up behind the gunman and began hitting him with the only thing that she had, which was her purse. Annoyed but not deterred, the gunman grabbed her and pushed her away.

But that momentary distraction was all it took for a brief amount of hesitancy and chaos to begin to ripple through the mind of the suspect, the beginning of doubt. His attempt to shoot to kill miraculously missed the mark. These people he was attempting to bring the big screen to life on were not ready to be extras, said the New York Family Lawyer who had information on the case. In the end, the gunman shot himself and no one else died, but would the situation have been averted if the school board meetings had better security outside of the meeting rooms?

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Recent reports from a New York Family Lawyer indicate that farming families can breathe slightly easier now that President Obama has signed a federal tax bill stating that farmers can pass on their estates of up to 5 million dollars per person to an heir, and to also be able to do so tax free, at least for another two years.

There has been a lot of speculation and worry in the farming industry where family farms are concerned, reports the New York Family Lawyer. Being forced to pay a 35% inheritance tax could mean that the children that you leave your farm to would have to sell part of it off just to pay for the right to keep it, and when it comes to farming, selling off the land itself is the worst thing that you can do, because once the land is gone, so is your ability to grow and plant. It is the irony of farming.

Based on reports from the NY Family Lawyer, farmers are in a better spot than they could be on this, but even so, proper planning and accounting should be put into practice well before the time to pass the family business on comes near. It is imperative to get financial assets in order with the help of a good accountant.

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Lesbians, children, abduction, a turn to the Lord, and kidnapping – it sounds like the plot of a movie but it is real life. A Vermont judge has given full custody of a child to a lesbian woman. The problem is the woman doesn’t have physical custody of the child, said a New York Family Lawyer. The entire tale began several years ago. Two women were entered into a civil union in Vermont. They loved one another and then adopted a child together. Everything was OK until they divorced. The reason? One of the women decided she was now straight, renounced homosexuality, and became a born again Evangelical Christian. She was awarded custody of the child, with the understanding that the still-gay Lesbian woman retain visitation rights, said a New York Family Lawyer. The now straight, but once gay, woman ran off with the child and refused her former lover and still gay woman any visitation with the child. The straight woman had no legal authority to deny the gay woman visitation rights, said a judge to a New York Family Lawyer.

This issue mirrors the struggle that many men have faced for years, where a woman is give custody of a child and decides she and she alone knows what is best for the kid. But, this is the real world and the court’s orders will be obeyed. For now, the former gay now straight woman will have the child but as soon as she is found the child will be turned over to the former gay and still gay woman.

Divorce with any couple can be messy and cause problems with child visitation rights. Contact a New York Family Attorney today to make sure your rights are protected.

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The Huffington Post, one of the internet’s many liberal blog hosting websites, has announced a new Divorce Section to be featured on its webpage, said a New York Family Lawyer. The section will probably focus on celebrity divorces. At first, the site sounds like a good idea, as divorce is a reality in life and a helpful hint or two can go along way for the average person. But the site quickly indicates that it is almost taking joy in divorce, mentioning that “Divorce is Forever” while marriage is not, noted a New York Family Lawyer. The site also makes light of the pain of divorce, indicating that her freedom is worth his finally being happy. The host, Nora Ephron, seems to delight in divorce, said a New York Family Lawyer. Ephron had a high profile divorce, leaving the famed reported Carl Bernstein, and has been the author behind a number of successful movies, including When Harry Met Sally, said a New York Family Lawyer.

Most likely, the site will devolve into yet another trash internet celebrity site. It will continue to celebrate the destruction of all that was once good and replacing it with … nothing, notes a New York Family Lawyer. Ephron will likely not care at all what she’s doing, so long as she makes another buck exploiting her name, and the Huffington Post won’t care so long as people keep clicking the links. The site just made it’s first profit after five years of being in the red. The sad reality of the internet keeps expanding.

Divorce is real and painful and not something to be taken lightly. If you’re going through a divorce contact a New York Family Attorney to protect your rights.

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It may not seem like much, but if you’re son or daughter sends more than 120 text messages per day they are more likely to have engaged in sex, alcohol, and drugs a new study reveals, says a New York Family Lawyer. But, the study authors note that so called hyper texting does not cause these issues, more that it is a symptom of peer pressure and lack of parental oversight. Of course, that begs the question: if bad parents aren’t going to care if their kids are engaging in this behavior, what are the odds they’ll care about this study?

Hyper texters were 3% more likely to have sex, which could lead to a scenario where men are bar look for women texting more than anything else, notes a New York Family Lawyer. Texting was more common amongst girls, minorities, and households without a father figure.

The study also noted that teens who spend a great deal of time on social networking sites like Facebook and Myspace, showing how outdated it is, because no one uses Myspace these days, were more likely to engage in risky behavior, said a New York Family Lawyer. But, this could all be because those who uses these sites are simply more popular and more social and thus more likely to be in situations where drugs and sex are available. After all, the unpopular nerd isn’t texting anyone because he has no friends, notes a New York Family Lawyer. Meanwhile, the popular football player has all kinds of people to text because he’s, well, popular!

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There may not be two more horrible people on earth besides Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt. The infamous couple from the trashy and disgusting MTV Reality Show THE HILLS were famously married and instantly became one of the most nausiating couples in Hollywood, notes a New York Family Lawyer. With her non-stop plastic surgery taking her from a pretty girl to something out of a horror movie and his plastic smile that reminded viewers of a killer, the two were everywhere, said a New York Family Lawyer. And now they’ve gotten a divorce. Unlike normal people, who divorce for legitimate reasons, these two disgusting human beings divorced for the same reasons they got married: to get publicity and attention. Spencer admitted that they got divorced to help her career, reports a New York Family Lawyer, because apparently being divorced and getting into the tabloids for an extra week will help people forget how much they hated her to begin with.

But, God is up there and he loves us all. A British TV show that was to be based around their divorce fell through and now the couple has called off the divorce, said a New York Family Lawyer. After blowing through more than ten million dollars, Spencer has admitted to a bankruptcy judge that he’s broke and the couple doesn’t know what to do for money. Apparently, being the jerk from the hills isn’t paying off anymore and he isn’t being offered roles, he said.

For most people, divorce is serious and requires a New York Family Attorney to protect their rights. If you’re facing a divorce, contact a New York Family Attorney today.

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They could not have children of their own so they did the most amazing thing anyone could do: they adopted. They plucked a fragile life from the air and breathed new life into a baby who may have been lost forever, said a New York Family Lawyer. And now the child may get taken away – and it may be the right thing to do. The couple adopted the baby boy not realizing it was not up for adoption. The sad tale begins four years earlier.

The mother was arrested trying to enter the United States of America illegally. She gave her son to her brother, said a New York Family Lawyer. The brother then gave the boy to a sister. The sister then handed the child off to a local church. From there, the church arranged an adoption and the boy made his way to America. It appears that everyone who acted did so in good faith, as there was no indication that anyone wanted to purposefully steal the baby from the birth mother.

When the natural mother found out about the entire ordeal she got into action and tried to get her child back, noted a New York Family Lawyer. She had never consented to the adoption and the boy was hers! Now, the supreme court of Missouri will decide the child’s fate, notes a New York Family Lawyer. No, there isn’t a chance they’ll cut the boy in half. The standard will be a simple one: what is in the best interest of the child. But, immigrant and minority rights groups have made this a battle ground, with care for the child taking a back seat to whatever political message is deemed more important,

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Miley Cyrus is one of the most famous teenagers in the world. With hit music albums and singles, popular movies, clothing lines, and sell out concerts – not to mention all of her movie success – the teen queen is a billionaire on paper and an entertainment juggernaut. Unfortunately, she no longer has a nuclear family to come home to as her parents today announced they were getting a divorce, says a New York Family Lawyer. Billy Ray and Tish Cyrus told the world that their marriage of nearly twenty years was coming to an end. The couple had five children together, reports a New York Family Lawyer.

Billy Ray Cyrus was a country music star for years before his daughter caught the attention of everyone as Hannah Montana on the Disney Channel, notes a New York Family Lawyer. Billy Ray starred on the hit show with his daughter – playing her dad! (A role that must have been quite a stretch.) From there Billy Ray helped guide his daughter’s career to the point where the teen queen of the screen is one of the most recognizable figures on earth – all before her 18th birthday.

The couple appear to have split amicably as the released a press release jointly, notes a New York Family Lawyer. In it they thanked everyone for their support, thoughts, and prayers. They acknowledged the ugly truth of having to get a divorced but expressed their love for the children, says a New York Family Lawyer. It is unknown at this time how the divorce will affect Miley’s career – if it does at all.

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