C.R. v. Y.P., 2020 N.Y. Slip Op. 50603 (N.Y. Fam. Ct. 2020) involves the determination of fatherhood for a child born to respondent Y.P. (referred to as Ms. P) and listed on the birth certificate as J.E., with S.D.E. acknowledged as the father. However, petitioner C.R. contested this acknowledgment, asserting his own paternity over J.E.
Background Facts
C.R. v. Y.P. involves the determination of paternity for a child named J.E., born to respondent Y.P. (referred to as Ms. P). The birth certificate, filed shortly after J.E.’s birth, listed S.D.E. as the father, based on an acknowledgment of paternity signed by S.D.E. and Ms. P. However, petitioner C.R. contested this acknowledgment, claiming to be J.E.’s biological father.