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A motion (seq. No. 1) by the attorney for the petitioner for an order pursuant to Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules to compel the County Respondents to reduce petitioners’ total assessments on the April 2006 final roll by applying RPTL § 1805 assessment limitations and caps, and defining “assessment” as full property value-or-if a lower total assessment reduction results, to apply RPTL § 1805 assessment limitations to the parcel’s land assessment, and defining “assessment” as the full property value and “land assessment” as the full land value; to compel respondents, when applying RPTL § 1805 assessment limitations, to use an assessment as reduced by judicial review as the “previous year’s” assessment; and to compel Nassau County to pay refunds for any overpaid tax bills is determined as hereinafter set forth and adjourned suasponte to November 15, 2007. Cross-motion (seq. No. 2) by the attorney for the respondents for an order pursuant to CPLR § 3211(a)(5) and CPLR 3211(a) (7) dismissing petitioners’ Article 78 proceeding is denied.

The petitioners bring the within Article 78 proceeding for a judgment declaring that the alleged disparate treatment of petitioners’ class one property compared to class two and four properties with respect to lowering the level of assessment to avoid the application of RPTL § 1805 constitutes a violation of the equal protection clauses of the State and Federal Constitutions and petitioners are entitled to a refund from Nassau County for any overpaid tax bills.

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A the outset, the Court would like to clarify some of the procedural history of this case which is related to the action Aurora v. Loan Services LLC v. BOM, et al., Index Number 22937/2009, a residential foreclosure proceeding.

Originally the undersigned under the mistaken impression that all papers had been fully submitted on the applications decided herein before these matters were reassigned to this part, issued decisions without the parties’ complete submissions. As a result, the Court vacated the decisions under motion sequence numbers 001 and 002 and, at a conference, counsel and the pro se defendants were informed of a new submission date and told to bring to the Court’s attention any additional arguments they deemed appropriate.

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I. Matter of St. Francis hospital, as attorney-in-fact for JL.

For approximately two weeks in May, 1977, JL was a patient at St. Francis Hospital. He incurred a bill of $4,794.90 and applied for medical assistance. The Nassau County Department of Social Services, however, declared him ineligible and his application was denied. He appealed the denial and, after a fair hearing which he attended along with an attorney retained by the hospital, the State Department of Social Services affirmed the determination of the local agency.

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For a number of years the defendant has operated a junk yard on property located on U.S. Route 20, Town of Nassau in Rensselaer County. Over the years there have been disagreements between the Town and the petitioner with regard to the petitioner’s operation of the junk yard and the Town’s efforts to regulate it. In August 2002 the Town commenced an action against the petitioner in an attempt to enforce Town of Nassau Local Law No. 1 [1989] with regard to the licensing and regulation of junk yards. That action was ultimately resolved when the parties entered into a stipulation which was so-ordered by the undersigned on September 9, 2002. In May 2003 the Town of Nassau commenced the instant action against the defendant.

The action was temporarily halted when the parties, on November 8, 2004. entered into a Stipulation of Settlement which was so-ordered by the Court. That agreement, arrived at after much litigation and negotiation, memorialized a number of commitments on defendant’s part regarding the manner in which he would operate and maintain the junk yard. By reason of defendant’s violations of the November 8, 2004 Stipulation of Settlement the plaintiff, in June 2006, commenced an enforcement proceeding seeking to permanently enjoin the operation of the junk yard and for liquidated damages. On June 8, 2007 the Court, after a hearing, issued a permanent injunction prohibiting the defendant from further operation of the junk yard and awarding plaintiff liquidated damages.

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The defendant moves for an order pursuant to CPLR 3212 granting summary judgment dismissing the plaintiff’s verified complaint as there exists no triable issue of material fact with respect to the defendant’s liability for the plaintiff’s alleged injuries. The plaintiff cross moves for an order pursuant to CPLR 3025 (b) granting the plaintiff leave to amend the verified complaint to plead with further clarification the relationship between the defendant and the Old Brookville Police Department, and an order pursuant to CPLR 3212 granting summary judgment on the plaintiff’s cause of action for false arrest and false imprisonment. Both parties oppose the other party’s motion. The plaintiff seeks damages in the underlying action for personal and emotional injuries sustained on August 2, 2005, incident to the plaintiff’s alleged false arrest and false imprisonment by the Old Brookville Police Department.

On August 2, 2005, the plaintiff resided with his wife at their home in Old Brockville. The couple were in the midst of a divorce, and the wife filed a petition in the Nassau County Family Court, under docket number 8265/05, dated July 29, 2005. The wife sought an order of protection against the plaintiff husband in that Family Court proceeding, and the Court issued an order of protection dated November 23, 2005, to wit ordering the plaintiff, date of birth January 1, 1942, to observe the following conditions of behavior: refrain from assault, stalking, harassment, menacing, reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct, intimidation, threats or any criminal offense against the petitioner, date of birth December 5, 1961, wherever the petitioner may be; observe such other conditions as are necessary to further the purposes of protection: the respondent husband to stay away from the petitioner’s bedroom. The Family Court directed the order of protection against the respondent husband remain in effect up to and including May 22, 2006. On August 2, 2005, at approximately 12:20 p.m.

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The petitioner having applied to this Court for an Order directing DH (the “Patient”), a patient at Nassau University Medical Center (the “Medical Center”), to show cause why an Order should not be granted authorizing or discontinuing medical treatment for the Patient as set forth in the petition and this application having come on to be heard before the undersigned, a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Nassau, on the 14th day of November, 2006.

NOW, upon the petition of AG, as President and CEO of the Medical Center, verified on November 13, 2006, and the affirmation of PC, M.D., dated November 13, 2006, and upon the order to show cause granted on November 13, 2006, together with due proof of service thereof, and Abrams, Fensterman, Fensterman, Eisman, Greenberg, Formato & Einiger, LLP, Allan E. Silver, Esq., of counsel, attorneys for the Medical Center, appearing in support of the application, and David A. Smith, Esq., acting as the Court appointed guardian ad litem, appearing herein to protect the rights and interests of DH, the parents of DH, MD and DH appearing in support of their request to discontinue medical treatment for their son, and a hearing having been held upon the issues raised herein, the court makes the following findings of fact and law.

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Mrs. GR, together with her disabled husband and six minor children, are clients of the Nassau County Department of Social Services. Around July 31, 1969, Mrs. GR, who had just cashed her public assistance check, was concededly robbed of the proceeds of that check, leaving her totally without funds for the month of August. Apparently, she requested emergency assistance from the Department, but this request was denied. She thereupon brought this Article 78 proceeding that the Commissioner of the Nassau County Department of Social Services (hereinafter the ‘Commissioner’) be directed to pay her $484, the amount of her monthly assistance check.

After service of the petition upon him, the Commissioner served a Third-party petition upon George K. Wyman, as Commissioner of the Department of Social Services of the State of New York seeking a direction that Commissioner Wyman reimburse him for any funds he was directed to pay to Mrs. GR.

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This is an application for a preliminary injunction. The proceeding was commenced by Petitioner by order to show cause and petition seeking a judgment declaring him to be the owner of real property located at Merrick, New York (the Property), or imposing a constructive trust. The order to show cause, which was issued on November 9, 2007, contained a temporary restraining order restraining respondent and/or her agents from transferring, selling or otherwise encumbering the Property and from terminating the tenancy of a brokerage) pending the return date of the order to show cause. Jurisdiction is complete.

On December 5, 2007, the court held a hearing on whether a preliminary injunction should issue. The hearing continued on December 6, 2007 and concluded the following day.

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In a case, it is alleged that on or about March 12, 2005, at about 5:00 PM, at x New York, Nassau County, State of New York, the respondent engaged in conduct, which if engaged in by a person sixteen (16) years of age or older, would constitute the crimes of Criminal Sexual Act in the First Degree, in violation of Penal Law §130.50(3), a class B Felony; Attempted Criminal Sexual Act in the First Degree, in violation of Penal Law §§110/130.50.(3), a class C Felony; Sexual Abuse in the First Degree, in violation of Penal Law §130.65(3), a class D Felony; Attempted Sexual Abuse in the First Degree, in violation of Penal Law §§110/130.65(3), a class E Felony; and Endangering the Welfare of a Child, in violation of Penal Law § 260.10(1), a class A Misdemeanor.

A Nassau County family lawyer said that the respondent engaged and/or attempted to engage in oral sexual conduct with another person who is less than eleven years old; in that respondent put his mouth on the complainant’s penis. The complainant is six years old.

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The matter currently before the Court is a motion by the petitioner to have the Court appointed attorney for the child relieved of her duties. The petitioner brought the motion pro se. The subject child of the motion, was appointed law guardian for the child and submitted an affirmation in opposition. The Nassau County Legal Aid Society was appointed to represent the respondent. However, it does not appear as if the petitioner had the respondent served with her motion.

The underlying petitions in this matter were family offense petitions filed by the petitioner against the paternal uncle and the father. The petitions alleged that the uncle sexually abused the subject child, then three years old. The allegations against the respondent-father were that, in light of the fact that he lived in the same home as the seventeen year old uncle, he allowed the abuse to happen.

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