A motion (seq. No. 1) by the attorney for the petitioner for an order pursuant to Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules to compel the County Respondents to reduce petitioners’ total assessments on the April 2006 final roll by applying RPTL § 1805 assessment limitations and caps, and defining “assessment” as full property value-or-if a lower total assessment reduction results, to apply RPTL § 1805 assessment limitations to the parcel’s land assessment, and defining “assessment” as the full property value and “land assessment” as the full land value; to compel respondents, when applying RPTL § 1805 assessment limitations, to use an assessment as reduced by judicial review as the “previous year’s” assessment; and to compel Nassau County to pay refunds for any overpaid tax bills is determined as hereinafter set forth and adjourned suasponte to November 15, 2007. Cross-motion (seq. No. 2) by the attorney for the respondents for an order pursuant to CPLR § 3211(a)(5) and CPLR 3211(a) (7) dismissing petitioners’ Article 78 proceeding is denied.
The petitioners bring the within Article 78 proceeding for a judgment declaring that the alleged disparate treatment of petitioners’ class one property compared to class two and four properties with respect to lowering the level of assessment to avoid the application of RPTL § 1805 constitutes a violation of the equal protection clauses of the State and Federal Constitutions and petitioners are entitled to a refund from Nassau County for any overpaid tax bills.